陈晓华,女,汉族,1988年6月生,河南鲁山人,硕士毕业于韩国庆熙大学,在某国际旅行社工作2年后,又以CSC 留学基金委公派生身份于庆熙大学完成旅游学博士学位。硕博期间,获得韩国庆熙大学董事长奖学金资助,先后兼任旅游管理学院的行政助教和研究型助教,参与了导师多项课题的研究。
主要从事文化旅游,品牌营销,消费者行为等领域的研究。先后以第一作者或通讯作者身份在SSCI(International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management; International Journal of Tourism Research; Sustainability; Global Business and Finance Review)等等国际一流旅游学期刊,及KCI 期刊(Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research;International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research;Korean Journal of Hospitality & Tourism)等上发表文章10 余篇。论文主题集中于旅游地品牌构建,文化遗产旅游和游客计划行为理论等研究。代表性科研成果如下(期刊类别和年度顺序):
Xiaohua Chen, Gyehee Lee & Dongoh Joo (2024). Natural landscape performance: Environmental restorativeness and its influence on tourist behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research,26(2),e2636, 第一作者,SSCI(JCR 分区:Q1)DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2636
Chen, X., Lee, T. J. & Hyun, S. S. (2022). How Starbucks sells coffee to a traditional tea-drinking country:From the perspective of multi-dimensional brand authenticity and the self-enhancement values of Chinese consumers. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Mangagement, June (51), 176-186,第一作者,SSCI(JCR 分区:Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.03.003
Chen, X., Hyun, S. S. & Lee, T. J. (2022). The Effects of Parasocial Interaction, Authenticity, and Self-Congruity on the Formation of Consumer Trust in Online Travel Agencies (OTAs): The mediating role of Influencers' Source Credibility. International Journal of Tourism Research. 24(4), 563-576, 第一作者,SSCI(JCR 分区:Q2) http://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2522
Chen, X., & Lee, T. J. (2022). Potential effects of green brand legitimacy and the biospheric value of eco-friendly behavior on online food delivery: a mediation approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(11), 4080-4102. 第一作者,SSCI(JCR 分区:Q1) https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2021-0892
Chen, X., Li, W., & Joo, D. (2021). Literary celebrity, tourists’ self-destination connection, and brand engagement: Based on a marketing perspective of celebrity endorsement effects. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48(May), 230–239. 第一作者,SSCI(,JCR 分区:Q1)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2021.06.013
Chen, X., You, E. S., & Lee, T. J. (2021). The influence of historical nostalgia on a heritage destination’ s brand authenticity, brand attachment, and brand equity. 第一作者,SSCI(JCR 分区:Q2)International Journal of Tourism Research. May, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2477
Qiu, L., Chen, X., (Corresponding) & Lee, T. J. (2021). How Can Celebrity Endorsement Effect Help Consumer Engagement? A Case of the CEO of an Online Travel Agency Promoting Tourism Products through Live Streaming. Sustainability, 13(15), 8655. SSCI(JCR 分区:Q2) https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158655
Hua, Y. D., Jittithavorn, C., Lee, T. J., & Chen, X. (Corresponding) (2021). Contribution of TV Dramas & Movies in Strengthening Local Tourism Destination Image. Sustainability, 13, 12804. SSCI(JCR 分区:Q2)https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212804
Chen, X., & Lee, G. H. (2021). How Does Brand Legitimacy Shapes Brand Authenticity and Tourism Destination Loyalty: Focus on Cultural Heritage Tourism. Global Business and Finance Review. 26, 53-67. SJR Q3区
Chen, X., & Lee, G. H. (2019). The effects of Involvement and Environmental Restorativeness on Positive Emotion, and Satisfaction about the Chinese Natural Landscape Performances among Chinese tourists. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research, 31(8), 155-173.
Chen, X., & Lee, K. J. (2018). A study on the influence of Seoul city"s image on perceived value and visit intention: Focusing on Chinese people.
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research,32(1),71-85.
Chen, X., Lee, K. J. (2014). A Study on the Behavioral Intention of Chinese Potential Tourists by Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior -Focusing on the Role of Korean Wave likability and Country Image of Youths in Their 20s-.
Korean Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 23(3), 41-59.